Ractive Foundation Kitchensink Demo This is a kitchensink demo of all the ractive components available in the styleguide. Later, stuff like should be auto-generated into the styleguide website. Structure Navigation Buttons Typography Content some content second column third column
  • Right Button1 Active
  • Right nested
  • Left Button1
  • Primary Success Link h1. This is a very large header. h2. This is a large header. h3. This is a medium header. h4. This is a moderate header. h5. This is a small header. h6. This is a tiny header. h1.subheader h2.subheader h3.subheader h4.subheader h5.subheader h6.subheader Labels default radius secondary info success warning alert round Accordion Demos Accordion demo 1 Testing an anchor1 Here is the active content for 1 Testing an anchor2 (nested)

    Nested accordion example:

    Testing an anchor2.1 (nested)

    Second nested accordion demo

    Testing an anchor2.1.1 Accordion 2.1.1: Lorem ipsum Testing an anchor2.1.2 Accordion 2.1.2: Dolor sit amet
    Testing an anchor2.2 Accordion 2: Dolor sit amet
    Testing an anchor3 Here is the active content for 3
    Accordion demo 2 Testing an anchor1 Accordion 2: Lorem ipsum Testing an anchor2 Accordion 2: Dolor sit amet

    Pricing Table demo

    Samsung Galaxy S6 $49.99 Introducing the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge. Welcome to beauty without borders: a design that feels like it melts away for a stunning, immersive experience. Swiping the edge checks for calls and notifications from your loved ones. It also makes staying connected via email, messages or social feeds simple and accessible*. More than just dazzling, it lives in that special place where form meets function. 5.1 inches 2k display 138grams 6.8mm thick Apple Iphone 6 Pl $999.99 iPhone 6 PLUS isn’t simply bigger — it’s better in every way. Larger, yet dramatically thinner. More powerful, but remarkably power-efficient. With a smooth metal surface that seamlessly meets the new Retina HD display. It’s one continuous form where hardware and software function in perfect unison, creating a new generation of iPhone that’s better by any measure. 5.5 inches 7.1mm 1920x1080 resolution retina display 64-bit architecture
    Tabs Tab One Tab Two Tab Three Tab Four Tab Five First tab content Second tab content Nested Tab One Nested Tab Two Nested Tab Three Nested Tab Fourth Nested first tab content Nested second tab content Nested third tab content Nested fouth tab content Third tab content Four tab content Nested Tab One Nested Tab Two Nested Tab Three Nested Tab Fourth Nested first tab content Nested second tab content Nested third tab content Nested fouth tab content Five tab content

    See Foundation docs for icon-bar for usage details etc.

    Default Home Bookmark Info Mail Like label right Home Bookmark Info Mail Like no labels no src Homez Bookmarkz Infoz Mailz Likez default-vertical Home Bookmark Info Mail medium-vertical Home Bookmark Info Mail large-vertical Home Bookmark Info Mail
    Progress bars